JobScape Help and Resources
Enter a job title, military occupation or keywords in the search bar on the home page (examples: registered nurse, teacher, welder, etc.) and click on the Search button or click the Show me everything button to see all occupations.
On the search results page, scroll through the results to see information about all occupations or all occupations related to your search term. Demand is solely determined by the number of annual job openings. The number of openings are divided into thirds to define High (top third; greatest number of annual openings), Average (middle third), and Low (bottom third; least number of annual openings) Demand.
At the top of your search results page, you can use the Filters button to narrow your search by wages (hourly and annual) and education by adjusting the sliders. You can also filter by job demand and location by selecting a region on the map or by typing in a city name or zip code. Click the Apply Filters button to see your filtered list of results.
Also at the top of your search results page, you can start a New Search.
On your search results page, click the Details button on each occupation line to learn more about that specific occupation. You will find occupation details such as a job description, typical wages, annual job openings, programs of study and training services, as well as information about the types of degrees and certificates individuals are earning related to the specific occupation in Idaho.
JobScape was funded by a State Longitudinal Data System (SLDS) grant to Idaho in 2012 from the U.S. Department of Education. The SLDS project is part of a federal initiative to maintain and use a large database of students’ educational records spanning from preschool through higher education and into the workforce in order to provide outcomes and reporting tools for educators, policymakers and the general public.
Idaho’s SLDS, called the Educational Analytics System of Idaho (EASI), was created to measure how well Idaho’s public schools are preparing students for higher education and how well higher education is preparing Idaho’s future workforce. This system is a partnership between the Idaho Department of Education, the Idaho Board of Education and public postsecondary institutions and the Idaho Department of Labor wage record systems.
All personally identifiable information (PII) that is collected into the EASI is protected in accordance with federal and state law. Public reports generated from data within the EASI do not identify individual students.
Certificate and degree information is shown for Idaho's eight public postsecondary institutions*. If no information is shown for an institution, then that certificate or degree program is not offered there. If the program is offered, the certificate and degree data shown indicates how many individuals completed programs at each institution.
This data is supplied by the Educational Analytics System of Idaho (EASI); see About JobScape above for more information.
Table terms
- Certificate 1
- An award of less than one academic year
- Certificate 2
- An award of at least one, but less than two academic years
- Associate degree
- Includes certificates; two-year degrees and awards of at least two but less than four academic years
- Bachelor's degree
- Includes post-baccalaureate certificates; four-year degrees
- Master's degree
- Includes post-master’s certificates; six-year degrees
- Doctoral degree
- Includes research, scholarship, professional practice and other doctoral degrees (6 - 8+ years)
* Boise State University, Idaho State University, University of Idaho, Lewis-Clark State College, North Idaho College, College of Southern Idaho, College of Western Idaho and College of Eastern Idaho
IdahoWorks is a free job-matching system that allows job seekers to:
- Create or post a resume
- Explore workforce programs
- Search and apply for open jobs
- View training and service providers
Go to idahoworks and create a free account
Workforce development professionals are available to assist you at your local Idaho Department of Labor office .
Next Steps Idaho is a comprehensive clearinghouse of information and resources pertaining to college and career designed to get Idaho’s students ready for life after high school. Next Steps Idaho is a product of Idaho’s Office of the State Board of Education.
Next Steps Idaho offers:
- Career assessments
- College and career planning
- Financial aid resources
Programs included on the eligible training provider (ETP) list receive Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act funds to train qualifying students. More information can be found on the Labor website.
Available ETP data found within JobScape include:
- Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) Title – The standardized instructional title of the ETP offered program.
- Average Completion Rate – The percent of program attendees who have completed the program.
- Average Employment Rate – The average employment rate of attendees one year after program completion.
- Institution Name – The name of the ETP provider for the selected program.