All fields required

Enter additional email addresses, if desired, below to ensure your business receives notification of any unemployment claim filed in the event you are not able to access your email.

You will no longer receive paper unemployment benefit claim notices (I-77-501 Employer Notification of Claim Filed) by U.S. Postal Service mail. Instead, you will receive an email notification whenever a Notice to Employer is ready for you to view and respond to electronically via the SIDES E-Response website.

The Notice of Employer response time limit (within 7 days of the date of the Notice) will not be extended if emails are misdirected because you failed to notify the Department of a change in your email address promptly or because you forgot or misplaced your SIDES E-Response Personal Identification Number (PIN).

If you forgot or misplaced your PIN or your email address changes from the address provided above, you must immediately contact a SIDES administrator at (208) 332-3577 ext 3304 or .

